Top 10 Vision-Board Ideas for 2021

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The year 2020 has been a challenging year for many people. It tested everyone’s resilience and grit in facing personal and professional struggles of life, and as this year comes to a close, one can only hope for a better life in 2021. If you want your 2021 to be fruitful and merry, you should start dreaming now.

The best way to visualize your 2021 is by creating a vision board. In this article, you’ll learn more about a vision board, how to create a vision board, and why it can help you create a better future.

What Is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a goal-setting technique that collects cutouts—pictures, words, letters—visualizing your goals and dreams. Creating a vision board gives you a sense of purpose to get started on improving yourself and making your dreams come true.

Being something that you see daily, the vision board can be a source of inspiration for you. Also, it serves as a reminder that you have to start achieving all the dreams and goals you placed on the vision board.

Does a Vision Board Work?

Yes, a vision board works if you only let it. To put it frankly, you will not find a vision board that works a hundred percent. In goal setting through a dream board, every image or word you place on it is merely a dream. You don’t put something on the vision board that you have achieved.

Achieving most of your plans in a dream board is up to you. If you create your vision board for aesthetic purposes only, it will not work. However, if you create one to serve as a reminder of your plans for the new year, making a vision board will be worth it.

A vision board that works needs a dreamer at work. It means that your dream board requires you to make it work and to not expect it to work on itself. After all, everything on that board concerns your dreams and aspirations in life.

What Should a Vision Board Include?

A vision board should focus on what you want to achieve. For example, you want to lose weight this year. Thus, your vision board should include pictures of people exercising or images of workout circuits and diet plans.

In essence, your vision board should focus on images, words, or even quotes that reflect your goals. But why? It’s because you see it every day. Your dream board should include things that inspire you to dream and to create a bright future ahead.

But in terms of design, the sky’s the limit. Whether or not you’re an artsy person, the design won’t matter that much. Again, you don’t show your dream board to the public. It’s for you and you alone. No one will benefit from it, so make sure you design it based on your personality and not something you see on Pinterest.

Kinds of Vision Boards for You

If you’re ready to make a vision board, this article will give you vision board ideas for your 2021 plans. However, it’s best if you create a vision board that reflects your personality and design taste. The way you create your vision board should embody what you want to feel or experience.

So dig in with the 10 vision-board ideas for the new year.

Relationship Goals

Start your new year with a vision board that focuses on relationships. Whether it’s a special someone or a best friend, you want to create a vision board highlighting the relationship’s beauty and goals.

If you want a vision board for your significant other, you can focus on your goals as a couple. What do you want to achieve this year? Are you planning to get married? Will this new year enable you to embark on a new milestone in life? If it’s for your best friend, you can focus on what you love to do. Do you love watching movies? Do you love to travel?

Whatever the reason, start making a vision board that helps remind you of the beauty of your relationship. You can even place cutouts of your pictures and paste it over the picture of the Eiffel Tower.

Fitness Goals

The year 2020 may not be the best year for your fitness goal, but 2021 is ready to make that happen. With the help of a vision board, you can feel more motivated to get that goal weight or be a beacon of inspiration in starting a healthy way of life.

When you make a vision board, it’s important to highlight achievable goals in terms of exercise routines, diet plans, and healthy-living practices. There are a lot of vision-board ideas out there related to fitness, but make sure that your vision board shows what you can only achieve.

Don’t be too ambitious in your goals. Also, try to put images of yourself before you start your fitness plan. It’ll be a fair comparison in the near future. Another important thing is you must love the stuff on your fitness vision board. Never put things that make you feel forced. Again, vision boards are about the person who wants to achieve something, not a work of art for display purposes.

Wealth Goals

If you’d like to start your year with luck and prosperity, here’s a vision board idea for you. The year 2021 is the Year of the Ox. If you are interested in the Chinese zodiac and feng shui, you can make a vision board for that.

In your vision board, focus on bright ideas and long-term goals. Since you want to grow your wealth starting 2021, what will help you achieve that? Will it be spending less? Will it be embarking on an important life decision? By creating a vision board, you can set goals on managing your wealth and making it grow.

Typical wealth vision boards include inspirational quotes about money, savings, and investment. When you make a vision board for wealth goals, you can place images that will inspire you to achieve your dreams. It may be words of encouragement like love, perseverance, or any word that you deem appropriate or meaningful.

Home-Design Goals

A vision board for home design is an excellent way to lay out all your home-design plans. You can place images of living room layouts, kitchen layouts, or bedroom layouts. When you make a vision board for your home, you can place images of furniture designs and even color schemes.

Examples of vision board ideas for home design may include a floor plan, rough sketches, or a CAD layout. If you’re eyeing designer furniture, you can also place it there. When making a vision board for home design, you must know what you want to feel about your future home design and how it will make your life better.

Remember that vision boards are about your plans in life. In this case, it’s about your plans for designing your home. So look for vision-board ideas that match your style and outlook. Also, making vision boards can spark creativity. Who knows? You may be a good interior designer.

Business Goals

With the Year of the Ox coming, many businesses want to have a prosperous 2021. Because of the challenges brought by 2020, your business may have encountered difficulties and obstacles. But as you embark on a new year, starting right must be your goal right now.

If you make a vision board for your business goals, it’s best to focus on the challenges of 2020 and translate them into opportunities. What can you do to make your business even better? What investment should you make to streamline your products and operations?

There are a lot of vision-board ideas out there for business goals. However, you should prioritize the things you want to improve. Don’t just copy from another’s work. Make your vision board personalized according to the needs of your business, but don’t get too technical or detailed, as if you were making a business plan. That will spoil your vision board.

Be authentic and straightforward. That’s the rule in making vision boards.

Career Goals

A lot of people got unemployed in 2020 because of cost cutting and company shutdowns. If you’re one of those people, don’t lose hope—2021 may bring you good fortune. But fortune doesn’t just knock on your door. If you want to have a major career comeback this 2021, you should start now.

To keep you on track, a vision board can help you visualize your career plans. It may be short-term or long-term plans. Will it be for the next three years, or will it be for the next ten years? Are you waiting for a promotion this year? Do you want to shift careers?

When creating your career vision board, you should have a primary goal. Ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve?” From that, include images and words that can inspire you. If you’re being groomed for a higher position, you can imagine and post things like “I am the next senior manager.” As long it can motivate you, do it.

Family Goals

Having a family is a tough responsibility. Taking care of the children and working for their future are a big sacrifice. If you want to make a vision board for your family, there are many board ideas out there, but vision boards about family must reflect the life values you want to instill in your children. That’s why you should have a family-centered vision board.

You can include quotes or family resolutions. For example, you can place words like open communication, unity, mindfulness, and honesty. But don’t stop there. You can also put images of places where you want to spend a vacation as a family. To make the family vision board intimate, let the kids help.

Besides that, you can include family savings, dreams for every family member, and an outlook for a better life.

Travel Goals

Life is full of challenges already, and the only way to cope with life’s difficulties is through traveling. Whether or not you’re a travel type of person, a vision board for traveling can help you plan your next adventure. Where would you like to go? Or for backpackers, where would you like to go next?

Vision-board ideas for traveling may include pictures of tourist spots or even flags of countries. If you’re on a world tour, you can place a map on your vision board and place pins on countries you want to visit this 2021. However, don’t limit your vision board to all countries.

You can also have a vision board for your dream country. For example, if visiting France has been your dream, make a vision board about it. Include images of tourist spots in France, famous restaurants, things to do, things to buy, and many more.

Attitude Goals

Improving your attitude is a wise investment in life. A vision board for attitude improvement can guide you on how you can be a better person. First, list down all your undesirable attitudes. Then, think of ways to change those. For example, you can place “Be more sensitive” on your vision board if you feel that insensitivity is your major attitude problem.

But don’t focus too much on the negative ones. Include also those attitudes you want to maintain. For example, if people think you’re thoughtful, include words like “Be thoughtful as always.” Improving your attitude will not only be good for you but can also help you have a better life. And thanks to vision boards, it’ll be easier to change for the better.

Habit Goals

Habits often dictate how you work and deal with things. If you have bad habits, 2021 is the best year to change all those. When you make a vision board for your habits, you need to know all your good and bad habits. What habits do you want to improve? And what are those that you wish to retain?

In your vision board, you can enumerate all your bad habits and place them alongside your plans to eradicate them from your life. For example, sleeping late because of procrastination has been a bad habit for you. You can put a solution in your vision board, like scheduling your activities and being mindful of the time.